EUGERA - Port Project
Eugera Industries Ltd takes on the project development, project planning and project management up to the turnkey construction for an international freight port.
For project development, appropriate project teams will be formed in the first two weeks in January 2021, which are responsible for project planning for individual sectors.

The Land-Management
The Eugera L.B. is a project development and project management sector
The Eugera L.B. Management works exclusively for land and project owners.
Who owns land as property is faced with the question. How can I generate income from land ownership?
With a land ownership, profit can be permanently generated without the land having to be sold.
The Eugera L.B. now offers a fourth option. This option is based on many years of experience and the necessary number of business areas in which the entire group of companies operates.
We guarantee that every land ownership will generate income.
Advantages that offer 100 percent and absolute secure.
1. The landowner always remains the owner of his property.
2. There are no foreign registrations in the land register
3. You don't have to invest a dime
4. Absolute transparency, You will automatically become a member of
the Board of Directors of Eugera L.B.
5. Your land holdings quickly generate a fixed income every months.
The Eugera L.B. is committed to up to eighty-five percent in the social segment. The targeted investment creates new jobs and perspectives for the people in the regions.

The Eugera L.B. offers a suitable concept for every land owner and for every type of land property.
The Eugera L.B.
develops the usage concept
mediates the partner for the project
invests in the planned project
The Eugera L.B. offers landowners and administrators, usage, rental and land leasing contracts with a usage of 1 year to 99 years. Offer us your farmland, pasture land, fallow land, building land. We bring the right project, the right use with our partners.
Eugera - Canada
For an investment we are looking for building land for 15 to 50 exclusive holiday homes in Nova Scotia and British Columbia. The property should be located on a lake.
We review every land offer we receive and respond in a maximum of 3 days. Local appointments for viewing by appointment.
Eugera - Real Estate Service Canada: Turnkey real estate projects for private and commercial investors. Vacation homes, houses, villas, resorts, exclusive apartment buildings, hotels and more.

Socially oriented projects
This includes all projects from the areas
Drinking water extraction and cleaning
The establishment of organic farms, cultivation of fruits, vegetables, crops
Agriculture and livestock farming
Energy generation (solar and photovoltaic systems)
the construction of schools and sports facilities
the construction of medical facilities
Investments in regional handicrafts
For more information or do you want to offer land? Contact us