Modular hospitals and treatment centers offer a quick solution. Hospitals and isolation stations for 40 patients up to 2000 patients can be built in a short time in a modular design.
Hospital and medical modules, isolation stations, modular and transportable quarantine module units.
Hospitals can also be planned and built with different doctor and treatment sections. Different treatment sections: yes Isolation stations: yes Operating rooms and emergency medical reports: yes Intensive care units: yes construction in several floors: yes Passenger lifts: yes Freight lifts: yes

The Eugera Group and its partners offer medical modules to accommodate patients. Treatment rooms, operating rooms in modular construction, complete hospitals in modular construction.
As well as modules to accommodate personnel and management.
Short-term planning
Short-term production
Short-term delivery
Construction: modular and element construction
Including furnishings on request
High quality modules with strong external and internal wall insulation, protection doors
On request also complete with air-conditioning, electronics, network technology and equipment
Requirements and space planning as well as building planning are created in a maximum of 2 days.
Delivery and assembly: worldwide
Hospital - und Medizinische Module, Isolierstationen, Modulare und transportable Quarantäne Moduleinheiten
Die Eugera Group und ihre Partner bieten, medizinische Module zur Unterbringung von Patienten. Behandlungsräume, OP Räume in modularer Bauweise, komplette Krankenhäuser in modularer Bauweise.
Sowie Module zur Unterbringung von Personal und Management.
Kurzfristige Planung
Kurzfristige Produktion
Kurzfristige Lieferung
Bauweise: Modular und Elementbau
Auf Wunsch inklusive Einrichtung
Hochwertige Module mit einer starken Außen- und Innenwand-Dämmung, Schallschutztüren
Auf Wunsch auch komplett mit Air-Condition, Elektrik, Netzwerktechnik und Einrichtung
Bedarfs- und Flächen Planung sowie Gebäudeplanung werden in maximal 2 Tagen erstellt.
Lieferung und Montage: weltweit

Delivery worldwide
